Clouds of Witness General How to improve animal welfare in your business by Robert Stravinsky

How to improve animal welfare in your business by Robert Stravinsky

Dr. Robert Stravinsky has extensive experience in physical therapy and has become one of the most popular physicians in Waltham, MA. He offers modern treatments for the vertical spine and other musculoskeletal conditions.
Stravinsky also has a great love for animals of all kinds and works with non-profit animal welfare organizations. For this reason, he has written different blogs detailing how to improve animal welfare.
How to improve animal welfare in your business by Robert Stravinsky?
Robert Stravinsky has used his love for animals to work to create a better world for all animals, and for him, animals play a very important role in companies in the United States and worldwide.
The owners of the animals must ensure that the animals have the necessary care and can have greater well-being. Robert indicates that all animals deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. He also states that customers now seek products where companies avoid animal cruelty.
For Stravinsky, happy animals are more productive, whether they produce milk, lay eggs, or provide wool. Animals that are well cared for and loving will do better, and you will notice. According to Robert Stravinsky, these are some aspects that can help you improve animal welfare in his company:
1. Provide food and water
You must provide the animals with quality food and water and find a clean place to eat and drink.
2. Keep animals clean and dry
Animals can also get sick from being in dirty places. So, you need to keep them in clean and dry places that can help them to be healthy at all times.
3. They must have space to exercise
Animals also need space to move and exercise. You should find a spacious place where they can walk and roam freely.
4. Keep animals socialized
Animals that are socialized are healthier and happier. It would help if you made the animals able to interact with other animals.
5. Monitor animal welfare regularly
For Robert Stravinsky, you must regularly monitor the welfare of the animals. This way, you can ensure they are treated with love and care.

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